Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Rate His Lovemaking Dot Com

Yes, it's a website. Ratehislovemaking.com

As the name implies, women apparently go here and dish on their mans lovemaking. The details are all there. It looks like they don't use last names - obviously sparing themselves the lawsuits.
This is every mans nightmare. Oh girls, I know you think this is cute, but every guy will click this and navigate the pages to see if they make the lists. What trauma it will be to those that find their name there. Maybe you thought you were a terrific lover, only to discover what she really thinks.
What kind of woman would do this to a man anyway? How on Earth will he perform upon discovering that you told the Earth he is a lousy lover? There's too much pressure already. This site may actually make matters worse.

There needs to be a site called, Iknowitsaliebutheisincredibleinbed dot com. We men are gullible enough to believe it.

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